Weather forecast: Clouds with periods of light snow in the northern parts of Aldara. Sunny weather for the rest of the world, mixed with light showers in the afternoon.
Lands for Grabs

For whatever reason (war, plague, famine, untimely death of the rulers) Aldara Deed and Survey office has opened their doors to new customers. Always wanted to be king? Now's your chance. For a very small amount of gold, and your soul off course, you can become the great ruler of vast empires, the tyrant lord of great kingdoms or, if you like that title better, a demi-god of countries yet unheard of. Just sign here...and here. No refunds.

If for some reason, unfathomable to us, you wish to inspect the land before purchase, you can see the latst map of available lands here.
Athor and Baomouse!
We have managed to catch Athor, the creator behind the Adventures of Baomouse, and with just a minimum of torture, he kindly agreed to let us all into some of his and our littly furry hero secrets. Thank you very much Athor

Some background on Baomouse:
He was born on the open seas and when his parents were drowned in a storm he continued to go where ever the wind took him. Thus he roamed the seas and if by chance he met anyone, would trade for what he needed. His solitary life was mostly uneventful until the fateful day he landed on Horde Island.

Now for the big question: Why Mice?
They are cute:) It's fun putting them in a human situation and seeing if I
can get it to work. It is, too me, more of a challenge. The current selection of clothing is pretty nil so I have to adapt what I do have to fit. It has forced me to do things I never would have thought of before. Using the setup room, UVMapper, magnets and now, attempting Hexagon. As far as Horde Island I have been given a pretty much free hand to do what I see fit. Bad Mods:)
I haven't done a lot of reading on the LOTR so most of what I write is a depiction of the render.

Trysas Column - Where all your questions have answers

Do you have any questions for Trysa? Then call her magic hotline at here.
Dear Trysa,
The dragon that defends our land has suddenly decided to become a vegetarian and is now plundering our crops. Because of this we now have more virgins then we know what to do with. What shoudl we do?
signed "concerned citizen"

Dear concerned,
Sounds like your dragon has had a bad culinary experience. Are you sure you didn't slip him a spicey wench instead? How many are you feeding him? You do know that he only requires 2 a year right? Scratch that. Obviously you don't know that or you wouldn't have all those virgins.
Cut back on the virgins. They aren't potato chips you know. See how he does. Throw a sheep or two in there. And as for what to do with the over abundance of virgins....... you are kidding right?

Dear Trysa,
I was fishing the other day and dropped my healing stone in the sea. Now it won't do anything. Help!!!

signed "no longer in business"

Dear no longer.
... Sigh.... how long have you been in the business of healing? Don't you know you should NEVER submerge your stone in salt water? It cleanses the stone of all energy including yours. YOu will have to re-bond with it. Find a quiet palce, preferably AWAY from the sea, and hold the stone in your hand. Close your eyes and try to see and feel the stone with your mind. After a few minutes open your eyes and study your stone, becoming familiar with everything about it. You are done.
Oh, and the next time you go fishing. store your stone in a soft safe place, and no I don't mean the sand, and if someone needs healing tell em to take 2 aspirin and call you in the morning.
Do not miss out on the latest gossip in Aldara, or you'll be the bore of the party:

The Calling, Part II “Another is Called” - by ricky1

Lyft Eodor - A Bad Omen - by redspark

So the Tale was Told - by athor

Archian - about Star - by AfroditeOhki

War of Souls - by ImmortalDragon

It really is just hot air

Welcome to my corner, here at the Aldara Chronicle. My first column will be about that all-time interesting topic: flight! And off course, how to achieve it.

One of the safest ways of travelling through the skies, is in, what is commonly known as, a hot air balloon vehicle. Now in order to construct such a vehicle you are going to need a lifting envelope, also know as a huge balloon among the experts. This lifting envelope will need some sort of opening at the bottom, called the mouth.

Also a basket of sorts, or other kind of carrying device, will be needed as well; this should be attached to the lifting envelope, so passengers can be transported around with your new fantastic flying vehicle.

And last, but most important of all, is your air heater. The air heater must be placed in the centre of the mouth, so the mouth can suck up all the hot air it will create and start lifting your hot air balloon into the sky. Some kind of grill, which can easily be fuelled with a long lasting fuel source works perfect (those rubbery wooden trees found in southern Jungle Kingdoms is really good for this kind of work…if you can live with the smell)…just be careful that the mouth is big enough, lest the whole thing might catch fire. And remember to attach the grill firmly to your basket (or other people-carrying device). Up there the winds blow strong, and you really wouldn’t want your grill blowing off.

Before take off, make a note of the direction the wind is blowing…cause that will be the direction you’ll be going. When you want to land, slowly decrease the heat on the grill. SLOWLY!

And that’s it…simple as that. Happy flight, and see you next time here at Sipwicks corner.

Around the world
Are you tired of always being outside? Would you rather spend your days in a dark and damp cave? What about the design of that new town you're building? Need some details worked out? Or maybe you are just running low on inspiration?
We at the Aldara Chronicle are proud to provide you with just the help you need:

Grandma Carolines Kitchen

Grilled Wererat Tails
4-5 medium sized Wererat tails.
2 teaspoons lemon juice
4 teaspoons of olive oil
2 teaspoons Sprite or Pixie dust
1 clove of garlic,
1 teaspoon of chilli powder (preferably blue chilli)
Fresh herb sprigs (this is optional though)

Split each tail in half, with a nice sharp claw (or knife if you’re so unfortunate as to not being born with claws), and lay them aside for a while.

Mix the lemon juice and olive oil with Sprite dust (it really is the better of the two, but if your local store doesn’t have any, Pixie dust will do), the garlic (minced) and the chilli powder in a small bowl, and marinate the tails for two hours. Plenty of time to get the barbeque going. Give the tails 5 minutes on each side, so they’re nice and crispy. Best served with a spicy Calabrian Dark wine. Bon Appetite!
The Aldara Project is wholly sponsored by RuntimeDNA. Please take a moment to show your appreciation by visiting the site store and merchants. Your patronage is greatly appreciated.