Weather forecast: A mix of clouds and sun in the morning, with more sunshine in the afternoon. Expect long shadows and an early nightfall.

Land for sale!

Come one, come all! Step in line, and make prepare for your biggest adventure ever. Aldara has land for sale, and you are all invited to come take a look at the property, look below every rock and behind every tree before you buy. We have nothing to hide - Aldaran land is highest quality at lowest price...just a bit of time...and your sould off course.

Interested? Off course you are! Then go here to learn more.

The Skarg - by Ricky 1

In a dimly lightened room sat a lonely looking boy, his head buried in a large Tome. This ornate book, bound in white hide and inlaid with Gold and precious gems was but one of many that filled the groaning bookshelves that surrounded him. Shadows danced as the boy’s reading candle wistfully flickered in the light breeze. The boy, still unaware that night had fallen read with a passion that most of his the elders did not possess.

The Tome’s, each dedicated to a single Aldaran race, each thousands of years old, some nearly empty, others full to overflowing. But it was this particular Tome and only this Tome possessed the boy as had no other. Although only twelve summers of age, the boy looked older in face, much older than his actual age. He had been studying these books since he was five and he would study them daily for the rest of his life. Such was the bane of being a candidate for the position of “High Altern” of Tremorin. For longer than any Tremorin could remember, their leader was elected only on their ability to recite the content of these ancient Tomes.

The boy turned yet another page of the Tome, his eyes gliding over the words in a frenzy of excitement and fear. For this was the oldest of the Tomes, this was “Tremorin’s Bane”, this was the “SKARG”.

The more the boy read, the more his excitement grew, fuelling his fear, his heart now racing. The accounts of heroic battles, of wars, of the near extermination of the Tremorin people. Anger now joined the fray; fury passionately burned within the young boy’s heart. The Tome although the same size as all the others in the library was nearly empty in comparison to most. The facts contained in the book were sketchy at best, but there was enough evidence to gather an overall picture of the Skarg as a race.

The Skarg, an ancient race first seen nearly 5,000 years ago live underground and only surface to raid or to feed. So powerful were the Skarg back then that they nearly managed to completely wipe out the Tremorin people.

The actual origin of the Skarg is unknown but as far as anyone can gather nearly 90% of the Skarg are either Orcs or Trolls, with only the upper ruling class being actually true Skarg. The Orcs though are different, vastly different from normal Orcs. They have been with the Skarg so long now they suffer from an unnerving loyalty to the true Skarg and now class themselves as Skarg not Orcs. Other strange races are also present but in very few numbers.

Now each Skarg hive is made up of several Minor Tunnel Lords and the overall hive leader, the “Cave House Lord”. The priestesses, “High Sighters” are the Skarg version of magic wielders, and there acolytes their apprentices. A “High Sighter” is the highest rank a female Skarg can attain. A “High Sighter” can be a perilous occupation as each Tunnel lord constantly fights to gain control of the hive but rarely moves unless advised by their own “High Sighters”. The wrong advice can spell victory or death for the whole clan. It is not unknown for “High Sighters” to be executed for giving the Tunnel lord bad information. The “High Sighters” as they grow in power require bodyguards, for this they choose a Skarg faction called “Memus”. These “Memus” are bred to kill and will gladly die for their mistress. Unquestioning loyalty is what the Memus are known for, that and their lust for the kill.

The Skarg are known to be voracious carnivores, it is not unusual for a Minor Tunnel clan to be butchered if food is in short supply. Very few actual details are available as few human captors survive with any real knowledge of the Skarg and their habits.

For thousands of years Tremorin has gathered information on every race it has come across, by any means at their disposal, so facts do become apparent over time. It is known by only a few that the Skarg are widespread over most of Aldara but few individual countries are aware of the threat. Tremorin has a whole isolated tribe of humans, born and bread for one purpose only, the gathering of information. So for untold years Tremorin has sent forth its seekers (Spies) to every corner of the world and so information flows constantly into Tremorin. From that the Tremorin’s have been able to discern that the Skarg travel underground using the huge network of tunnels created 5,000 years ago. With the aid of the Trolls and some dwarfs new tunnels are constantly excavated. The hives in the main seem to be centred within mountains and peaks but always near a place of power. For example in Tremorin lie Idol Stones, rings of stones with ancient runes inscribed on them and for each set of idol Stones there is at least one or more Skarg hives nearby.

Tremorin is a dangerous place to wander or settle. Many tales exist of small towns disappearing virtually overnight and of caravans never reaching their destinations. But the most alarming part of the Skarg is they leave no trace, no trace of themselves or their victims. When a village is taken there is nothing left, no bodies but worse than that, no buildings either. The village is stripped clean, only the marks of the buildings remain, all physical trace of the village is eliminated.

Some reports of Skarg activity indicate that they deal in human slaves but information regarding this is not conclusive. Too much is still unknown about the Skarg but the best guess is that after a raid some of the survivors are sold off or traded,. But to whom or for what purpose is not clear. But what is known is that the Skarg although brutal are extremely intelligent and well organised. As for a religion this is not known but the belief that some form of worship is present in Skarg society is the general consensus.

It is fervently hoped by the Tremorin’s that the individual Skarg Hives never unite, for if they do, they are so numerous that they will create a worldwide reign of terror and butchery unheard of in all Aldaran history.

So the boy steadfastly reads on, his brow furrows even more as he comes across a strange drawing of a monstrous figure, “Bromil” is the heading.

“Bromil”, known assassin’s of the Skarg, human like in body but with the head of a monster, ferocious in nature and skilled fighters. There are two types of “Bromil”, normal and winged.

Below the brief description is a simple drawing, the boy slowly hovers his left hand over the drawing. On his left hand he wears the traditional Tremorin hand jewellery the “Lying Eye”. An intricately carved piece of iron that lightly covers the top of his hand, stretching around his wrist before passing delicately over his palm. A single green stone is imbedded on a web like filament that gently presses the stone into his palm, the stone a real Tremorin “Seeing Stone”. The Tremorin “Lying Eye” is worn by most Tremorin’s but it is very rare to have a real “Seeing Stone” fitted, most are just paste replicas.

The boy shivers as he slowly rests his left hand upon the drawing of the “Bromil”. Sharply his head snaps back in shock as a lifelike picture of the Bromil bursts into the young boys mind. His mind reels as the detailed image of a “Bromil” sears itself into the poor young boys mind. The image is so clear and detailed that he has to force himself to raise his hand releasing himself from the horror.

An unearthly noise extinguishes the candle.

Trysas Column - Where all your questions have answers
Dear Trysa,
Lately when I go hunting I am chased by savage beasts. I barely get away with my life and my family is beginning to starve. What can I do to protect myself?
Signed Hungry and scared

Dear Hungry,
Are they only chasing you? Maybe you should up your baths to twice a week. Do you by any chance live near Dragons? If not, plan on a trip. Any who, gather together some Dragon Dung, yes, I said Dragon Poop, and smear all over your face before you leave to hunt. Guaranteed to ward off savage beasts and clear up any skin condition you may have, although you might not get any attention from your wife or anyone else for that matter. But on the upbeat at least you will not be starving any more

Dear Trysa,
On summer days when there is no wind at all we see these strange clouds of dust leaving the village. Everyone seems to run in terror when they come and after every one of them something comes up missing. Come to think of it I haven’t seen my neighbor since the last one. Could they be related?
Signed Don’t know what’s going on

Dear Don’t know,
My, you DO have your head in the clouds don’t you? I am surprised it’s your neighbor that is missing. Did your parents not tell you stories when you were little? What you are seeing is a pack of fairies going back home carrying what they have picked up along the way, your neighbor obviously being one of those “things”. The next time to see this cloud remove your left shoe and throw it at the cloud. This will cause them to drop what ever they are carrying. Remember, your LEFT shoe not your right. If you throw your right shoe they will just take off with it too or throw it back at you.

Do you have any questions for Trysa? Then call her magic hotline at here.

Talents combined:

"Lilikuhu shot her an furious glance and dug fingernails into the arms of her throne. But it did not phase the newcomer. "Oh, Lili," the young woman said with an exaggerated pout on her lips, "You truly are no fun when you're angry." Which was a total lie. Siora had the most amusing time only when her sister was angry."

The above is just a small part of the awesome story that is unfolding in the Aldara Challenge - Round Robin story, taking place in the Kalara Desert. And really not something you'd want to miss out on. Come join the fun :) And if you liked that, why not join the Aldara Challenge. Rules and other official stuff can be found here.

And when you're done reading that, you don't want to miss out on the latest talk in Aldara:

Mystica - by GreyCat

Meet Alfonso - by Athor

Isle of Valik by Skygirl

Isle of Gates - by GilaMonster

Lost Palace of Akaron - by Dragonlord

The Golem

Golems are unique creations of Hebraic folklore and mysticism. A golem is created by a sorcerer (or more specifically a rabbi or Hebrew mystic) from clay or mud. The creature is man-shaped, and generally man-sized or slightly larger. When created, the rabbi performs a ritual which involves inscribing a sacred word on the forehead of the golem, giving it life of a kind. In some texts this word is the secret name of God, in others, it is the Hebrew word for truth (pronounced Emet). In the latter case, the rabbi is able to blot out one of the letters of “truth” to make the word “death” (pronounced meit in Hebrew), and the process is reversed, with the golem becoming an inanimate clay figure.

Golems and their creation process echo the Hebrew traditions regarding the creation of man from the “dust of the earth”. Because the rabbi/mystic has certain “Godlike” powers due to his studies of Qabbalah, he is able to mimic this process, but only up to a point. Thus the golem cannot speak, or reason. He follows only the command of the rabbi, and follows this literally. Ergo, one has to be very specific in giving instructions to these creatures.

Golems according to folklore act either as servants to particularly powerful rabbis or Qabbalists, or are created by them to protect the Hebrew community from pogroms, or other persecution. The latter use is certainly a more noble exercise of such power, and is more common in later stories. Golems obviously can fight, and being made of clay they are difficult to injure at all. It is part of the power of the sacred word that if a golem is dismembered it will reconstitute and go on fighting. The only way to “kill” it, is obliterating or altering the sacred word, and according to some legends, this can only be done by another rabbi of equal or greater power than the one who created it.

Some RPG texts have supposed “golems” that are made from other materials than clay. The argument, of course, is that the “magick” that brings them to life could be applied to other inanimate forms. This is arguably true if one does not consider the mystical component-that the golem is a “lesser man” made by a rabbi emulating the method God used to create man. Thus the creature being formed from clay or “the dust of the earth” is a specific requirement, and the substitution of iron or stone is not going to work. The idea of a “flesh golem” as presented in the RPG would violate many Hebrew religious laws.

Next month’s creature-The Hobgoblin

The Dragons Hoarde
by Krikor Dragon

Welcome, my scaley friends. Or, well, if you don't have scales, skin, feathers, bark? This is my first article in the Aldaran newsletter, and my goal is to tell you about a few trinkets and such, here in the lands of Aldara.

As most know, we Dragons take a great fancy to trinkets and goldies and sparklies, as well as to fine weapons or magical doodads. We build great hoardes, kept secret to all, however, I find no reason as to not let you know of a few things I've run across in my travels, across Aldara.. SO, lets get started..

Everyone knows the mythical lost city of Grefnur, right? Well now, there, in and of itself, is a great treasure but, no. We are not going to discuss the city itself. But rather whats IN the city. Specifically, within the Temple of Oroll. The bracelet of Fren.

The history of the bracelet goes back almost 4,000 years. 3,962 years, aproximately. Fren was a slave of the Gurokkus Priests, and kept the fires within the Temple of Oroll burning. One morning, he stumbled into a scene of the Gorokkus slowly butchering a Priestess. He jumped to her aide, though she was too far gone, and killed the Gurokkus. But in the process, Fren lost a hand. The blade of one Gorokkus came toward Fren, and Fren raised an arm instinctively. The blade hit and glanced off his slave bracelet, and sliced off half of his left hand, as Fren used a torch to set the man on fire. Fren collapsed and lay dying on the temple floor, from loss of blood.

Its said that the God Oroll, a peaceful god, was pleased with Fren for defending one of his true followers from the misguided Gorokkus Priests who only wanted power. And as a reward for Frens bravery, Oroll restored his hand and made the bracelet an amulet against harm. Fren became High Priest of the remaining Gorokkus, and favored of the god Oroll.

Fren wore his bracelet of slavery, not for protection, but for the reminder of where he came from, until the day of his death, many many decades later.

Its said that whomever wears the bracelet on their left wrist, will have the protection of the God Oroll. Yet other rumours claim, if one is not kind of heart, they will ignite, and burn immediately upon placing it upon their wrist.Then again,you could just use it as a paperweight and conversation piece.

So, I guess if one wants to find out if the rumour is true, this would be a perfect quest for any adventuresome soul. One thing before you all start jumping up and grabbing bedrolls and wineskins. You not only have to find the bracelet of Fren, BUT, the temple where Frens body is alledgedly resting, AND, you have to find the Lost City of Grefnur.

Hmmmm, could be... ANYwhere..

May the powers that be, be with you.. Or not..
See you next month..


Getting it there - faster than ever!

This month we'll be looking at an exciting new invention of mine. I'm proud to present: The Sipwick Mail-A-Pult! An ingenious, gravity-defying mail-delivery system, that will effectively deliver mail to anyone within 2 miles.

The construction of the Mail-A-Pult is simple. Start by building a wooden frame with a length:width ratio of 2:1. To this you add a top structure for stopping the swinging arm. Slightly in front of the gravitational center you stick a bunch of ropes through a large hole in the outer structure. (Please refer to diagram). Through these ropes goes your swinging arm.

The device itself is based on the famous "Principle of Straightness", which simply states that the natural state of objects are straight, rather than bend or curved. Staggering scientific advancement has been made based on this principle, the most of which my esteemed colleague Dr. Fizzak has summed up in his epic work, "The Straightness of things: Why trees grow upwards and other mysteries".

As far as my Mail-A-Pult is concerned, the straightness principle is applied to the ropes, so that you pull the ropes out of straightness, and then release in order to hurl the mail to it's intended recipient.

Adding some sort of mobility addon, like wheels is a good idea, but not strictly necessary. However if you leave out this part, take special care as to where you build the Mail-A-Pult, 'cause it gets mighty heavy and difficult to move.

Note that for single letters some kind of attached weight is required to counteract the poor aerodynamics properties of the traditional envelope.

With just a small modification, the Mail-A-Pult can be converted into a Sheep Relocator Machine.

Around the world
Are you tired of always being outside? Would you rather spend your days in a dark and damp cave? What about the design of that new town you're building? Need some details worked out? Or maybe you are just running low on inspiration?
We at the Aldara Chronicle are proud to provide you with just the help you need:

Grandma Carolines Kitchen

Leg of Chimera
with Ember Nut Couscous

1 Chimera Leg (hindquarter are best).
5 tablespoons olive oil
9 garlic gloves
1/4 cup of fresh blue lemon juice
Salt and pebber
2 cups of couscous
1/2 cup coarsly chopped, toasted embernuts

Rinse and pat the chimera leg dry, season with salt and pebber and leave it for a day. Heat the oil in a big roasting pan, and brown the leg on both sides. Turn the fat side up, and add the garlic. Roast the leg in an oven for 2 hours. Pour the lemon juice over it from time to time.

Transfer the leg to a rag, and let it rest, while boiling the couscous for 15 minutes, with a little of the garlic, the ember nuts and maybe some blue lemon zest. Serve with a nice strong ale.

The Aldara Project is wholly sponsored by RuntimeDNA. Please take a moment to show your appreciation by visiting the site store and merchants. Your patronage is greatly appreciated.

Did you miss out on the last issue? Never fear - it can be found here!